Our Services Solar Installation

Benefits of solar

  • A truly renewable energy source
  • A clean source of energy that is pollution free, causing no greenhouse gases which are responsible for global warming  
  • Reduces energy bills. You get a return on your investment immediately with huge reductions on your power bill and excess power can also be sold back to the power company  
  • Low maintenance costs as solar panels can last beyond 25 years   
  • Can be used in a diverse range of applications
  • Available everyday of the year, even cloudy days produce some power
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Make the switch to solar in 3 easy steps



One of our solar specialists will come to your home or business and discuss the best solar system for you. We can recommend quality products for you or we can use your preferred brand. We will calculate your savings and repayments if using finance. We can come up with a plan on how to optimise your usable roof space for maximum savings.

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Your solar installation will be completed by a Clean Energy Council approved and fully licensed electrician from start to finish. We have a highly experienced team who will talk you through the workings of your new system and inform you of how to get the greatest benefit from your solar.

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Your new solar system is now fully tested, certified and  ready to go. We can help you choose the best energy provider in order to gain the most benefit from your new system. We have an on going aftercare service, customer support and we are just a phone call away. We also offer an ongoing solar care package, where we clean your panels and check system efficiency every 12 months.

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Want to find out more? Contact us on 0490 417 769 or request a free quote.

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Case studies

13kw system in Lennox Head

This large 5 bedroom property in Lennox Head is home to the Craven family. They have a large pool and 4 x air con split systems. With ever rising electricity bills of up to $1000 per quarter, Matthew and Adele asked us for a quote for the most suitable solar system. With a flat north facing at the rear of the 3 story property we opted for 39 x Seraphim Blade panels installed on tilt legs. We incorporated 2 x 5kw Sungrow Inverters installed inside the garage. With long cable runs and a very high roof this was by far not our easiest install, however the end result offered the Cravens the most effective system for their money and is a great investment for there growing family. With the savings they are receiving on their electricity bills they can expect to pay this system off within 3 1/2 years.

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